Dark Tramp Officers
Top Brass of the Dark Tramp
Yo-ho mateys, make no mistake ---we're bein' the ones callin' the shots!
Captain Jakosa Starn

The olive-skinned Captain Starn was a former Star Devil captain who served in the faction's Volturnus expedition. Once the Sathar battle fleet arrived, he escaped with his small crew aboard one of the SD assault scouts. Drive troubles forced a crash landing in Gruna Garu before he could make it outside UPF jurisdiction, thus he was never able to rejoin his comrades.
The Star Devil disowned him, thinking him lost. His identity unknown at the time, he was rescued by a yazirian clan and nurtured back to health. He made friends with the heiress to the clan shortly after saving her from a Sathar agent raid that claimed her parents and most of the clan as well.
When the few surviving clan members departed to go their own ways and seek their destiny, the two also departed with the heiress' family fortune. They eventually found work on a civilian freight hauler. The freighter fell under pirate attack, but when the raiders could not take the craft (mostly due to Starn's luck at driving past the main assault), he made his way with ship troopers into the invading craft and quickly overtook it instead. Starn parked the vessel in an asteroid cluster and marked the location for future retrieval, and salvaged a few items for the freighter in the meantime.
That ship was eventually registered with a legal UPF salvage title under Starn's name once he and his heiress companion departed the freighter crew, and now plies the space lanes as the SS Dark Tramp. Now, back in the command chair of a pirate vessel once again, Starn immediately adapted to his former lifestyle and had little trouble convincing his she-yaz friend of joining him on such exploits.
Countess Krishtar
Alissus Krishtar was heiress to the Krishtarian clan on Hargut. A Sathar agent raid countered by a human refugee that the clan was caring for gave her that throne, but her legacy was short lived as the few surviving clan members opted to go their separate ways.
She finally liquidated the remaining family fortune and departed Hargut with her human friend that stayed true to her. The two were hired on with a freighter crew to staff the helm of the ship under its owner. The ship came under pirate fire during a cargo run, and her human companion turned the helm over to her while he attempted to difuse the situation. He somehow managed to not only wipe out the invaders but to overtake the enemy craft as well.
The two eventually salvaged the abandoned pirate ship and registered it under their names. A career in piracy soon began afterwards, as Alissus held no loyalty to the Federation who showed little interest in pursuit of the worms after she lost her clan.
As-Khar LaMosk
As-Khar arrived in the Frontier looking for something beyond the usual discontent found in the Rim. Her lust for action was sated in Frontier space as she wasn't exactly accepeted there either...she quickly found his way into the mean streets of Outer Reach in order to secure some income.
She held various odd jobs, the most profitable being an accountant and eventually as an astrogator with MalCo Enterprises. She was discharged from that job just prior to the third Dramune War, and soon found the crew of the Dark Tramp calling. She serves as the vessel's astrogator, charting allthe known and experimental routes.
Karak Terb
Karak was part of a scientific experiment that involved raising various yazirian infants on a secluded high gravity world. Many did not survive, only a small percentage adapted to the gravity and grew to incredible strength and size. The idea was to muster an elite force of Yazirian Landfleet operatives, but the project was quickly scrapped due to the mortality rate. Karak, being one of the few survivors of the experiment, grew to incredible proportions as a result. By choice, he had his dan surgically removed as they were now useless as far as their intended purpose goes.
Karak found himself out of what was supposed to be a promising job in Landfleet, and turned to various enforcer type jobs until finally being accepted into Gollwin Acadamy where he learned Engineering. Upon graduation, he was approached at a spacer gathering and recruited for service on a civilian craft, given a position as Chief Engineer aboard the Dark Tramp.
Once her fraternal uncle was exposed as a high ranking operative of an anti-UPF faction funded by extremists and suspected terrorists, it didn't take long for Dri-Losarma to follow suit, as it were.
With a family reputation like that following her around, it was pointless to try and prove herself everywhere she went. Especially after she saw how the Zik-Kit Militia handled her cousin, who went through a series of trials and tribulations to clear his good name. She resigned from her position as a battery operator aboard a government subsidized para-military freighter and went "underground"...quickly finding employment aboard the Dark Tramp as the chief gunnery officer.
Grumm-Buhl Skreed

The ifshnit Grumm-Buhl is another Rim transplant, who started his career as a delinquent. Trouble was something that had little difficulty in following him, as a youth he was constantly caught in various mischievous acts of theft. He was reformed and began a professional career as a ship's trooper in Faire and later as a reserve engineer aboard a Capellan merchant ship. The vessel made its way into the Frontier and Grumm-Buhl opted to stay behind.
He eventually found work on the Dark Tramp and made the most unlikeliest of friends with, of all the possible shipmates, Karak. The two are polar opposites yet the camaraderie was almost instant. Of course it also helps that he can make his way into those tight spots that Karak would never dream of crunching into! As such, he serves as a reserve engineer but mans one of the Tramp's guns in combat.